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Goals Overview
Goals Overview

Stay in sync with your team on goals and progress. Learn more about planning, setting, and working with goals in Breezy Perform.

Updated over a year ago

With Breezy Perform, you and your team can set and track goals on company, department, and individual levels. Goal management can help you engage and align better with your team, to really stay in sync on your progress.

Types of goals

Depending on your role and permissions, you can set 3 types of goals in Breezy:

  • Company goals: Admins can set company-wide goals for the whole company to see.

  • Department goals: Managers can set department-wide goals for their team or the whole company to see.

  • Individual goals: Every user in Perform can set their own personal goals and decide whether everyone or just their manager can see each one. Managers can also set individual goals for their direct reports.

Planning goals

Setting clear expectations and goals can help individuals understand success—plus boost communication and collaboration with your whole team.

When planning your goals to add to Perform, keep these tips in mind.

As an admin:

  • Work with leadership to develop company-level goals that departments and individuals can understand and align with.

As a manager:

  • Get familiar with company-level goals, in order to align your department and personal goals with your company’s priorities.

  • Talk to your own manager to understand their top 3 priorities or areas of focus.

  • Walk your team through company goals, if available.

  • Ask your employees for input on their expectations of the team.

  • Draft your goals and/or team goals and share them with your employees.

  • Ask your employees to create a draft of their goals so you can review and provide input.

As an employee or individual contributor (IC):

  • Review company and department goals, so you can align your own goals with broader objectives.

  • Get input from teammates and other employees to understand their priorities and how you can help meet them.

  • Ask your manager for their top 3 priorities overall.

  • Ask your manager what their expectations are of you.

  • Take a look at your last review or evaluation to look for areas to improve.

  • Identify strengths that you want to develop further.

  • Identify areas where you’d like to challenge yourself.

  • Identify experiences or skills that will help you grow professionally.

  • Draft an initial set of 3-5 goals to review with your manager.

Working with goals

You can access goals from two places:

  • The left sidebar

  • Your dashboard

To access the goals view from the left sidebar:

  1. Click Goals in the left sidebar to open all goals.

  2. Click an option from the top of the window to view goals by type.

Options to view goals by type in Breezy Perform

To view a summary of goals from your dashboard:

  1. Click Home in the left sidebar.

  2. View a summary of goals, grouped by type, in the lower-right corner.

  3. Click View All to open the goals view and access all goals.

  4. Click Open in Goals at the bottom of a group to open the group in the goals view.

Viewing goals from the dashboard in Breezy Perform

The goals view

The goals view gives you a one-stop shop for all your individual, department, and company goals.

You can create and manage goals for yourself and view company, department, and co-workers’ goals that are available to you.

If you’re a manager, you can also create goals for your direct reports or department.

To view goals for a specific group or person, just enter their name or department in the search box in the top-right corner.

Searching for another employee's goals in Breezy Perform

You can also click:

  • Me to access your own individual goals.

  • My Team for individual goals for your manager and direct reports. You can switch between teammates by clicking their profile picture in the upper-right corner.

  • Departments for department goals that are available to you.

  • Company for company-wide goals, which are available to everyone.

When you choose a goal type and owner, you’ll see the following in the main window:

  • Goal stats: Get a count of active goals, the overall percentage of completion, the number of recently completed goals, and a count of upcoming goals.

  • Create Goal button: Add a new goal of the type you’re viewing.

  • Filter options: Filter goals by status and time frame to narrow down what’s displayed.

  • Goals list: See a summary of each goal by type or filter options, including the title, owner, progress, due date, and status. From here, you can drag to reorder goals, expand to see more detail, view and edit details and alignment, view and add comments, and cascade goals.

Main window of the goals view in Breezy Perform

Goal statuses

Goals are tracked by the following default statuses:

  • Draft

  • Active

  • On hold

  • Complete

  • Incomplete

  • Archived

How to create a goal

You can create a new goal from the goals view. Your options to create goals for others or at the team or company level will depend on your role and permissions.

To create a new goal:

  1. Click Goals in the left sidebar.

  2. Choose a goal type from the top of the window.

  3. Click Create Goal in the top-right corner.

  4. Complete the fields to assign an owner and add details.

  5. Click Create.

After you’ve created a goal, you’ll have the option to align it with another goal.

To align a goal:

  1. Find the goal on the goals list.

  2. Hover over the goal and click the More icon (ellipsis) on the right-hand side.

  3. Click Alignment.

  4. Search for a goal owner and select a goal for alignment.

  5. Click Save.

Once your goal alignment is saved, you can find it under the goal it’s aligned with on your goals list

How to edit or update a goal

You can edit goals to update details, status, or progress.

To update a goal:

  1. Click Goals in the left sidebar.

  2. Choose a goal type from the top of the window.

  3. Hover over the correct goal on the list and click the More icon (ellipsis) on the right-hand side.

  4. Click Edit.

  5. Make changes as needed, or add key results.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Add or edit goal alignment, if you like, or click OK.

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