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Giving Feedback

You can provide input when co-workers or managers request it, or even proactively. Learn more about giving feedback in Breezy Perform.

Updated over 12 months ago

You can give feedback to your co-workers in Breezy Perform, both proactively and when you receive a request from a co-worker or manager.

How to respond to a feedback request

If someone has requested feedback about themself—or someone else—you’ll receive a notification and see the request on your dashboard and feedback view.

To complete feedback about someone else:

  1. Click Feedback in the left sidebar.

  2. Click Requests on the left.

  3. Find the request under Requested of You and click the right arrow on the right-hand side.

  4. Enter a response to each question.

  5. Click Save as Draft to save your feedback and complete it later, or Submit to share it with the recipient or requestor.

Once you submit your feedback, the recipient can find it in the feedback section of their profile, 1:1s, and reviews. If shared with the employee’s manager, they’ll see it in the feedback section of their reviews and 1:1s.

Responding to a feedback request in Breezy Perform

How to provide proactive feedback

If you’d like to offer constructive input to someone, you can give feedback at any time.

To provide proactive feedback:

  1. Click the Employee Feedback button on your dashboard, profile view, or feedback view.

  2. Click the Feedback Type dropdown and select Feedback about someone else.

  3. Click the Recipient dropdown and enter your co-worker’s name. Choose the correct name(s) from the list of results.

  4. Click the Feedback Action dropdown and select Write.

  5. Enter a title, if you like.

  6. Enter your feedback in the Comment field.

  7. Click the Select who to share your feedback with dropdown and choose whether to share with your co-worker, their manager, or both.

    • You can choose Don’t share if you’re not ready to share your feedback, or if you’d like to save your comments as notes for yourself.

  8. Click Submit.

Once you submit your feedback, your co-worker can find it in the Feedback section of their profile view and in the feedback feed of their reviews and 1:1s.

If you shared it with their manager, the manager will see it in the feedback section of the co-worker’s reviews and 1:1s, and will have the option to share it with their own manager, department head, etc.

If you chose the Recognize someone feedback type and shared it with everyone, all the employees in your company will see it on their dashboard and feedback view.

If you didn’t share the feedback at all, you can find it in the Saved Feedback section of your feedback view.

Providing proactive feedback in Breezy Perform

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