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Goal Status

Keep track of goals with statuses. Learn more about goal status, and how to update a goal’s status, in Breezy Perform.

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Written by Breezy Team
Updated over a week ago

You can track a goal’s progress in Breezy Perform with the following statuses:

  • Draft: A goal that has been created and saved, but not made active. Goals in draft status are only visible to the person who created them.

  • Active: A goal that someone is currently working on, but isn’t yet complete

  • On Hold: A goal that is relevant, but is not currently being worked on.

  • Complete: A goal that is complete. Goals do not need to have 100% progress to be marked complete.

  • Incomplete: A goal that was not complete, but is no longer being worked on.

  • Archived: A goal that is no longer relevant and is not being worked on.

Goal workflow

A goal will typically go from Draft to Active to Complete. However, all of the following status flows are supported:

Goal status flows in Breezy Perform

How to change a goal’s status

You can change the status of a goal from the goals list or the details view.

To change goal status from the goals list:

  1. Find the correct goal on the list.

  2. Click the status near the right-hand side.

  3. Choose a new status from the dropdown.

Goal status dropdown in the Breezy Perform goals list

To change goal status from the details view:

  1. Open the goal from the goals list.

  2. Click the current status under Status.

  3. Choose a new status from the dropdown.

  4. Click Save.

Goal status dropdown in the goal details view of Breezy Perform

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