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How to Complete a 360 Review - for Managers
How to Complete a 360 Review - for Managers

Peer and upward feedback helps you and your entire team get an objective look at progress. Learn more about 360 reviews in Breezy Perform.

Updated over 2 months ago

If your company runs 360 reviews, you can choose peers to provide feedback on your performance, plus give feedback to your own manager and any of your peers who’ve requested it.

As a manager, you can also select peer reviewers for your direct reports and provide feedback to each of them.

About 360 reviews

Depending on the requirements of your team’s 360 process, all employees may:

  • Complete a self-assessment

  • Give peer reviews as requested by colleagues or their managers

  • Give an upward review of your manager

  • Get reviews from peers you or your manager select

  • Get an evaluation from your manager

As a manager, you may also:

  • Give evaluations to each of your direct reports

  • Get upward reviews from your direct reports

How to select peer reviewers for your direct reports

Your direct reports can select their own peer reviewers. As a Manager, you can add and remove peer reviewers for your direct reports.

To assign peer reviewers for your employees:

  1. Click Review in the left sidebar.

  2. Check the review cycle near the top of the window. Click Switch Review Cycles if you need to see a different review than the one shown.

  3. Click the My Team tab.

  4. Find the correct name on the list of participants and click Unassigned under Peer Reviews.

  5. Search for an employee by name and click Add and Notify to add them to your list of reviewers.

  6. Click Close when you’re finished.

Each reviewer will get an email letting them know they've been selected as a peer reviewer for your employee.

To change an employee’s peer reviewers:

  1. Click Review in the left sidebar.

  2. Check the review cycle near the top of the window. Click Switch Review Cycles if you need to see a different review than the one shown.

  3. Click the My Team tab.

  4. Find the correct name on the list of participants and click the More icon (ellipsis).

  5. Click Manage Reviewers.

  6. To add a peer to the list, search for an employee by name and click Add and Notify.

  7. To remove a peer from the list, click the Delete icon (trash can) next to their name.

  8. Click Close when you’re finished.

Managing peer reviewers for a direct report in Breezy Perform

How to complete a 360 review for your peers, manager, and direct reports

Any peers who’ve selected you as a reviewer for their 360 will appear on the My Peers tab of your review page. Your direct reports are listed on the My Team tab. The My Managers tab lists managers you’ll provide an upward review for.

To submit a review for a peer, manager, or direct report:

  1. Click Review in the left sidebar.

  2. Check the review cycle near the top of the window. Click Switch Review Cycles if you need to complete a different review than the one shown.

  3. Click My Peers, My Team, or My Managers.

  4. Find the correct name on the list of participants and click Review.

  5. Add a response to each question on the review form.

  6. Click Save as Draft to save your work and finish it later.

  7. Click Submit to submit your review.

You'll be able to see other colleagues’ feedback in the right sidebar of the review under Reviewer Responses.

When you submit your review it will be marked complete but won’t be automatically shared with the employee. In order for the employee to see their review report, you’ll need to finish the review.

Finishing a direct report's review in Breezy Perform

Note: Your employee and their direct reports, managers, and peers may be answering different questions about the employee. To be sure you consider all that feedback, take a look at their review report before finishing your manager review.

How to view and deliver reports

Once your reviews are complete and you’ve had in-person conversations to discuss them, you can preview the report from both the manager’s and direct report’s perspectives, then deliver final reports to your employees.

To review and deliver 360 review reports:

  1. Click Review in the left sidebar.

  2. Check the review cycle near the top of the window. Click Switch Review Cycles if you need to complete a different review than the one shown.

  3. Click My Team, if shown, to switch to the list of participants.

  4. Find the correct employee and click Finish Review.

  5. Review your assessment a final time.

    • Click Question Breakdown, Overall Summary, or Summary by Category on the left-hand side to jump to different sections.

    • Click Hide Comment under any comments that shouldn’t be included.

  6. Toggle between Manager Report and Employee Report in the top-right corner to see the final version of the report from each perspective.

  7. When you’re ready to share the report, click Finish Review.

Your employee will be notified that their review report is available to view.

Previewing a review report before sharing it with an employee in Breezy Perform

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